When God Stoops Down

It can be difficult to understand how and where to read in the Bible - especially the Old Testament. If you sort this podcast from oldest to newest, and start with the very first podcast, together we walk through the story that God is writing, starting in Genesis. We build on that beginning to highlight the important events, as we weave together, and begin to understand, God’s bigger story of relationship and rescue. Knowing the story from the beginning is important, because the more we know about God, the more clearly we can understand ourselves. If you’ve struggled to know how to understand the Old Testament, and how it is relevant to you now, this podcast will help you to discover more truths about the Lord, and yourself, through the story God has been writing since the beginning of time. As each podcast says, we want you to know more about who God is and who you are because of Him. This podcast is for those seeking to understand/learn the Bible, for those who need encouragement, for those who want to start their day off with an uplifting word, and for those who aren’t sure about God and want to meet Him in the safety of their own space.

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2 days ago

"O my strength, I will sing praises to you, for you, O God, are my fortress, the God who shows me steadfast love.” Psalm 59:17 (ESV)
In this podcast, we are in the book of 1 Samuel, but we also are introduced to a new book, Psalm. The psalms of David give us insight into David's relationship with God. We could learn some important lessons about worship from David. When we remind yourself, through our prayers, of God’s presence, it can reshape the moment we are in. When we praise God, we are aligning yourself in relationship to Him and it shifts our perspective from our momentary issues to our eternal security. God wants our honesty. God deserves our praise. God welcomes our petitions. 
Please let me know how God is using this podcast in your life! I would love to know you are listening. Reach out to me through my website, ksizemore.com, or email me kimberly@ksizemore.com. I would love to connect with you!

1 Samuel 17 - The Giant God

Monday Oct 07, 2024

Monday Oct 07, 2024

“...that all the assembly may know that the LORD saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the LORD’s and he will give you into our hand.” 1 Samuel 17:47 (ESV)
The battle wasn’t Davids, it was the Lords. Remember, the battle isn’t yours either. Give it to the Lord and see how he is even bigger than your biggest problem. The battle is the Lords.
Go today and be encouraged, a great big God is with you.
Let me know how God has spoken to you through this podcast! You can always connect with me through my website, www.ksizemore.com, or email me at kimberly@ksizemore.com. 

Monday Sep 30, 2024

“But today you have rejected your God who saves you from all your calamities and your distresses and you have said to him, “set a king over us.” 1 Samuel 10:19 (ESV)
As the Israelites appoint Saul to serve them as their earthly King, God reminds us of His desire to be King over all. Who is the king of your heart? An earthly king puts others down that they may be raised up. A heavenly king raises you up that He may be lifted up even higher. An earthly king raises himself up above the others. God is the only king I know who stoops down to meet His people where they are bowed before Him. 
If you're enjoying this podcast, let me know! Send me an email at kimberly@ksizemore.com. You can find that email address, along with more about me, on my website, www.ksizemore.com. I would love to hear from you as we walk through the Old Testament together. 

Monday Sep 23, 2024

"And Samuel said, 'Speak for your servant hears.'" 1 Samuel 3:10 (ESV)
It's so comforting to know that God speaks MY name. I want you to be assured that God knows your name as well. But if He speaks to you, are you listening? Are you hearing Him with your heart? God calls us first to intimacy and relationship with Him, then He calls us to serve Him. While Samuel had to wait for a Word from the Lord, we are thankful we already have His word now. Spend time listening and you will hear the Lord. God is willing to speak to us if we are willing to listen. 
As always, I love connecting with you! Be sure to let me know how I can pray for you. I would also love to know what you think about this podcast! Go to my website, ksizemore.com. There you will find my email address and links to social media. 
Go today and be encouraged, God knows your name. 

Monday Sep 16, 2024

“O Lord of hosts, if you will indeed look on the affliction of your servant and remember me and not forget your servant…” 1 Samuel 1:11
Prayer is our wrestling with God. Prayer is our connection to Him. Prayer is where we see God standing where He has been all along and prayer is where we are changed because of it. As war wages, prayer is where we find victory.
This story is important because we discover a characteristic about God that we can rely on – the Lord of hosts who sees our anguish – who fights our internal struggles for us because he loves us. It’s also important as it reminds us that we can be, and should be, authentic with a God who loves us – a God who cares not just about what is happening externally but also how we feel internally. It’s also important because Hannah, and her son Samuel, play an important part in the history of the Israelites. The history of Israel hinges on Hannah’s response to her trials. What happens next is all dependent upon Hannah’s faithfulness to God in the struggle. What happens next for you? It may make a difference in what you do with the struggle today.
I would love to connect and hear how God is using this podcast to expand your view of Him! You can connect with me through email and social media - links to all of those are on the website www.ksizemore.com. 

Ruth 4 - Under His Wings

Monday Sep 09, 2024

Monday Sep 09, 2024

“Blessed be the LORD who has not left you this day without a redeemer… He shall be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age...” Ruth 4:14 (ESV)
Your story isn’t over. Place the pieces of your crushed marriage, broken body and shattered dreams into God’s hands and God alone can reshape them into something beautiful. It doesn’t matter how ugly grief and death is, God can still take those places and make them whole – just don’t forget that you may not be able to see it now. Just because I’m not there to witness it doesn’t mean he doesn’t do it. His ability to answer prayers stands outside of time or earth. And it doesn’t mean YOUR story is over, just like death isn’t the end, your story isn’t over. God is still working both here and in eternity. God is writing a story that is bigger than THIS moment. In this podcast, we see God is our Redeemer.
Want to connect? You can find link to my social media pages, as well as my email address, on my website, www.ksizemore.com. I would love to hear from you and discover what God is doing in your life!

Monday Sep 02, 2024

“But Ruth said, ‘do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go, I will go and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God my God.” Ruth 1:16 (ESV)
This verse may not be about grief, but it IS about Ruth’s faithfulness to follow after God in her own grief. It is also a reminder that Naomi didn’t have to make that long journey home alone. You don’t have to make the journey alone either. The Lord is with you even if no one else is.
For those of you who are starting over when everyone else seems to be settled in, I see you. When everyone else has kids and you are childless, God sees you. When everyone else has husbands or wives and you are without one, God knows your grief over it. When every one of your friends are stay at home moms and you have to go out into the fields to work to provide for your family, God will provide for you there. It isn’t that God cares more about those others than you, and He is giving them something He isn’t giving you. the story God is writing for you is just different. Your story MIGHT NOT be the same as everyone else’s, but God has treasures for you that aren’t everyone else’s.
Connect with me through my website, ksizemore.com. Let me know how God is working in your life and how I can pray for you!

Monday Aug 26, 2024

In this podcast we discover the story of Samson, and we learn that the warrior is not delivered by his great strength. We are delivered by the strength and the mighty outstretched arm of God Himself. God is not asking you to fix your life on your own power. What are you trying to do on your own? He may make you weak simply so He can reveal His strength, but what you will lose will not be greater than what you gain if you turn it over to Him.
“The king is not saved by his great army; a warrior is not delivered by his great strength… our soul waits for the LORD; he is our help and shield.” Psalms 33:16, 20 (ESV)
Tell me how God is working in your life and how I can pray for you! Reach out on social media or through email. You can find links to both of those on the website, www.ksizemore.com. 

Judges 6 - I Am The Least

Monday Aug 19, 2024

Monday Aug 19, 2024

“And the LORD turned to him and said, ‘Go in this might of yours and save Israel from the hand of Midian; do not I send you?” And he said to him, 'Please, Lord how can I save Israel? Behold, my clan is the weakest in Manassah, and I am the least in my father’s house.' And the LORD said to him, 'But I will be with you.'" Judges 6:14-16 (ESV)
Gideon is a story that shows us that God uses those of us who feel the least equipped. We also see that God may not fight the battle like we think he should, but we learn that even a trumpet can be a mighty tool when God is the one handing them out. Don't hesitate if God is calling your name; He will give you just what you need. If you ask for His direction and guidance, He will give it, even if the battle plans surprise us and don't make sense. It doesn't always make sense to the world around us when God is calling us to do things His way, but His way is the way that leads to ultimate victory!
As always, I would love to connect with you! Find me on my website, www.ksizemore.com. I would love to hear how God is working in your life. I would also love to know how I can pray for you! 

Monday Aug 12, 2024

“UP! For this is the day in which the LORD has given Sisera into your hand. Does not the LORD go out before you?” Judges 4:14 (ESV)
Rise UP! God can use you right where you are if you are willing to be obedient, to listen and to go where He calls. The story of Deborah in the book of Judges is a call to willingness - willingness to listen, to trust and to serve. 
Please connect with me! I would love to hear from you! My website is www.ksizemore.com and my email address kimberly@ksizemore.com. Let me know what God is doing in your life, or how I can pray for you! 

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